Distribution of Funds Raised
April to June 2015 :
Following the launch of Tolue, in April 2015, the initial funds raised from Halleh & Zhila's Charity Sky Dive (approx. £2,600), were sent to Iran, to assist 25 patients in funding their treatment. These individuals were introduced to us by the Social Workers Department of Imam Khomeini Hospital in Tehran.
December 2015 to June 2016 :
The fantastic generosity of the guests and organisers at our succesful First Dinner & Dance event, which took place in November 2015, in Windsor, allowed £5,700 to be taken to Iran for the start of the next phase of our work; in helping to continuously fund cancer treatment for eight of the most needy and young patients at the hospital.
After careful considerations, it was decided to pay 500,000 Toomans per patient, over the next seven months, towards their monthly treatment costs. This was equivalent to about £800 per month for all eight patients.